The barber’s unique concept won the votes of the people
A rock head, a vision, a week and a picture were the prerequisites. – I wanted to do something unique. Now I finally got the best award a hairdresser can get, says Ali Alahmad, hairdresser and barber in Nybro and Kalmar. The interest was aroused already when he was a child. – We had family businesses in Syria where two of my brothers were barbers. After school I got to help and clean there. I started cutting when I was 15 years old. Now I am 34, says Ali Alahmad. He now lives in Nybro and runs the company Troy Salon in Nybro and Kalmar. – I started alone in Nybro in 2016. Last year I also opened in Kalmar and now have six employees. It means everything to me. It is also a family business. My nephew and brother work for me, says Ali Alahmad. Now he has received the award Folkets frisör – People´s Choice – after receiving the most votes for his competition entry on social media. The pandemic meant that the project manager Barber Supplier had to rethink in order to be able to carry out his competitions. This year’s edition of Head2Head Barber Challange was made digital. 76 barbers signed up, each receiving a similar cutting head. – I talked to a friend who has a studio in Emmaboda. I cut, styled and dressed the doll in party clothes and sunglasses. It sits in a bar and drinks whiskey, says Ali Alahmad. Klippdockan was then photographed in the studio and a total of 65 entries participated in the vote on social media and Ali Alahmad won. – It feels great. I was chosen by the people for the victory. He also placed second in the Barber competition class.